# Student Handbook

# Welcome

This handbook has been made by command of Human Resources and the NHS to ensure that as a student you have a handbook to learn about the equipment used and the procedures that are in place. This is aimed to help you pass training as a student and proceed through the ranks of the NHS.

Make sure to take a read of the NHS Handbook for all the information about the NHS. This page only contains extra information.

# Whitelisting

Whitelisting is important for all NHS and other factions where an HR member fills out a form for you and has it placed for command to whitelist that person to become a member of the NHS ingame. If you are not whitelisted and it tells you this when entering reborn medic slots it is advised to message a SUR first as this rank has permission to whitelist. The next rank to ask is a CST as these ranks can whitelist with the forms filled out by HR but try to avoid asking them if a SUR is available. When asking for the whitelisting to be completed please avoid messaging the CMO as they are busy people helping build and improve the faction.

# Logging in

When logging into Reload Roleplay to play as a medic, it is similar to how to play as a civilian. You will join the game and a menu will appear where you will click a slot to play as normally as civilian if you play that. When playing as a medic you click on the independent slots which is the green square. This is the NHS faction.

Faction Choice

Whilst on patrol as a medic it is a requirement to be in one of the On-Duty NHS channels that are on the Reload Roleplay Teamspeak. When joining their channel ask politely that NHS member if you can patrol with them to learn how the NHS works. You are allowed to patrol on your own however as a Nurse we recommend that you patrol with someone as they can answer any questions that you may have. Plus it's always better to make some friends!

NHS TS Channels

# Equipment

The equipment is the most important part of any patrol as an NHS member. This equipment allows us to revive those downed and we need to ensure that we have enough equipment to allow a long patrol with a little amount of time going to get more equipment. As a medic, these are the important items needed to fulfil your duties.

Mandatory Recommended
Medikit Food
First-Aid Kit Fuel Canister
NHS Uniform Lockpicks
Toolkit Ice Lollies
Night Vision Glasses Vest & Helmet
Tourniquet (x5 or more)
Morphine (x5 or more)
Aspirin (x5 or more)
Bandages (x5 or more)
Dressing (x5 or more)
Ice Pack (x5 or more)
Saline IV (x5 or more)
Epinephrine (x5 or more)

These items will not be used up if you use them correctly. If you give the patient the wrong treatment then you will lose one of the items. By having five means the odd mistake will not cost anyone their life! Below are the recommended items, these can be used to improve roleplay or save you from the tree you just hit.

# Talking and Reviving

Voice over the net is a requirement for all NHS medics as this is how we role play and communicate with the patient during the revive. This is a requirement to keep the NHS following RP as with the medical tablet we are unable to hold the push to talk down to role play. Remember when using this that you will need to toggle it on before the revive and off after the revive.

Here is how to set it up:

  1. Press escape on your keyboard and click on "Configure" and then "Controls".
  2. Locate the "Multiplayer" settings.
  3. Click on “Voice Over Net” and enter the hotkey you want. The recommended keybind is double-tapping caps lock. However, you may choose any keybind you want. Then, press "OK" and you will be all set to go!

NHS Push to Talk

# Reviving Procedure

Before reviving someone you should always check to see if it is active and listen to the requests of the party who has won the gunfight (whether it be rebels or police). Revive who they tell you to revive. Always remember value of life, this means if you have a rebel or a police officer pointing a gun in your face telling you to do something then you need to revive whoever they say. You then go up to said patient and turn your "voice over net" on and press windows key to bring up the revive menu/tablet (you do not need the student training tablet for this!)

Medic Tablet

# Treatment Menu

Treatment Menu

# Left: Wound List

Displays a list of the wounds the patient has, the patient can have up to 3.

Double click a wound to begin treating it - remember it as each treatment is different.

# Bottom Center: Autoinjectors and IVs (Intravenous Fluids)

Morphine lowers heart rate by 30 bpm.

Epinephrine raises heart rate by 30 bpm. Saline I.V. bags treat the heart rate.

# Top Right: Heart rate and Blood pressure

The top number is their heart rate.

You want to use Morphine/Epinephrine to lower/raise it. A stable bpm is between 40-120. Below that is their blood pressure, to stabilize it, click the "Saline IV Bag" button.

# Vehicles

As a Nurse, you start off with SUV. These can be taken out at the sign inside the garage to the left of the ATM at Kavala Hospital. This will cost you no money. If you find a helicopter or are offered to fly one DO NOT do it. You are not permitted to fly a helicopter and will be warned appropriately according to the severity of your actions. You can only get access to helicopters at First Responder. Only drive the vehicles that you are Whitelisted to use unless you have been given permission to do so by a member of the NHS command. Before logging off as medic please make sure to impound your vehicles. To do this you hold the windows key on the vehicle and a menu will pop up, just click the "impound vehicle" button and wait for it to finish impounding then you can log off. This is just so people do not lockpick vehicles and drive around in them. The final important thing about vehicles is to always lock them when you get both in and out of them. Although it's a server rule it doesn't mean people won't do it.

# Combat and Firearms

When attending a scene where it looks like the patient has been the victim of a shooting, always check the surrounding area to check if there are any armed person/people. If any are located near the scene, they’d normally walk up to you and tell you who to revive, if they don’t, feel free to help all patients that need help. Also when reviving someone who appears to have fallen victim to a hail of bullets, make sure the armed persons who shot down the victim are not still having a shootout in the area, as this is classed an active combat situation. If you revive someone in an active combat situation, you are combat reviving. This is not only a medic rule but also a server rule too. It can lead to you being removed from the medics and in some cases, the server. You may not confiscate guns from patients. You are not permitted to pick up a gun, even if you are told to do by a police officer or rebel. If you are seen doing so you will be punished by command.

# Active Situations

Whenever you hear a gunshot nearby you must leave the area immediately, this means stopping all reviving or healing. You should use SHIFT + 5, this will mark the situation as active. This means that a big red circle will appear around the area. The circle will have a radius of 300m and disappear after 3 minutes. If you go within this zone during the time it is active that will be classed as combat reviving. This as stated above could have you removed from medics.

In some cases people will accidently shoot however, regardless to what they say you still mark the situation active and leave. This next part is a warning about what to expect: some people will see that there is a medic arriving and shoot just so they will leave, although it's not a good move there is no rule breaks and you have to mark it as active and leave anyway.

# Going AFK

Most people will sit idle whilst there are no revives or medical duties to be fulfilled. We as an NHS command would rather have you in kavala or other hotspot areas roleplaying with the civilians, blackwater or police in kavala keeping the faction as a place filled with roleplay. Doing roleplay in this area will also help improve people's opinion on the NHS and can even help people ask how to apply so it is useful to do this to build the faction up.

If you are going to be afk more than 5 minutes please leave the server so that there are no complaints of NHS members paycheck farming or being afk. This will also allow anyone who is an off duty medic to revive their friend or others if no medics are online. They will be unable to revive their friends or others if you are sitting there afk.