# HR Handbook

# Human Resources Team

Lead HR: Vacant

Deputy HR: - DaveTheMaverick

Human Resource Instructor: Blackpoolgo4it2 and azizxd906

Human Resource Officers: August Wyszogrodski

# Welcome - THRO’s Next Steps

Welcome to Human Resources! As a THRO you can now do supervised interviews and supervised training. Every time you see an opportunity to do one of the above, you should contact an HRI+ Member (or a CST/CMO) who will guide you through the process of doing that task. You must Observer 1 Interview and 1 Training and then conduct 1 interview and 1 training as a THRO to be promoted to HRO, and every time you do an HR task you must be supervised by an HRI+ as they will ensure you know how to do them properly. If you prove to be extremely helpful and work hard to get your training done, you may be allowed to do specific tasks on your own whilst you are a THRO.

THRO Training must be completed within 7 days of joining HR if not you will be removed.

# Rank Structure

Lead HR Ensures the branch is running properly and deals with any major issues.

Deputy HR Assists Lead HR and execute their orders. Assists in promotions.

HRI (Human Resource Instructor) HRI Members can deal with HR Applications and train HR Members up to a high standard. HRI Members are highly experienced members of the team and should be the main point of reference for HR Members to ask questions. HRI’s can tick off training and interviews for THRO’s.

HR (HRO) Fully trained HR Members that can do any/all HR Activities unrestricted.

Trial HR (THRO) Trial HR Members that are being trained on how to do specific tasks (Interviews, Training). They may perform ride alongs but must be supervised for interviews and training.

# Leave/Kick Cooldown

Times Leaving Time to wait before reapplying
1st Time 2 Weeks
2nd Time 3 Weeks
3rd Time 1 Month
Times Kicked Time to wait before reapplying
1st Time 2 Weeks
2nd Time 1 Month

If you leave or get kicked from this department, you will ALWAYS return as a THRO

# HR Rules

Below are ruled that you have to follow at ALL TIMES! Not following these rules may give you punishments, such as HR Warning Points, removal from the branch and even worse. When asked a question, you make sure you are correct. If you do not know the answer, make sure you redirect the person asking for someone who knows.

Do not abuse any power given to you in HR.

Your TeamSpeak 3 actions and database actions are always logged and easily reversible. Abuse of any of your powers will result in an instant branch removal and permanent ban from the server. NHS Punishments may also be given out depending on the situation.

THRO’s must not conduct Interviews or do training without an HRI+ present unless permitted to do specific tasks unsupervised by a Lead HR member which will be logged on the database. I asked why a THRO does not have a supervisor, the THRO must refer the individual asking the Lead HR member.

Do not overrule another HR member’s decision since it looks very unprofessional. If you do have any questions about the decision contact a Lead/Deputy of the HR department and talk about it. Giving false information will get HR member disciplinary punishments.

HR Command’s decision is final.

Most situations are different from each other, so you might do something wrong that is not listed here. If you do not use common sense, HR Command will review the situation and provide their decision if any action is needed.

Do not share form links, documents or document access. Doing so will result in removal from HR, and NHS Disciplinary action. All your document actions are logged, and easily reversible! Permanent server-bans will be issued to people who mess with documents.

# Standard Operating Procedures

Listed here is how to do everything you will be expected to do within Human Resources. Applications

When a new application comes in, make sure there is no response by another HR member. If there is no response, start reading over the application and looking if it fits the requirements that are listed below.

Suitable Application’s Contain: The correct age to join 15+, Has a correct Steam 64 ID

Unsuitable Applications Contain: under the age of 13, Has a Steam 64 ID that doesn't fit or is banned.

According to the above criteria, go to “HR Response Templates” and copy the relevant response. Then edit everything in the square brackets e.g Your name, and if necessary the time when to re-apply, and the reason for denial. After you have edited the response, post it as a comment and lock the thread. - This is important!

As an HR member on the Discord, you have access to the NHS applications section. You can move any application to declined or approved. Abusing any power given will result in punishments.

# Ride alongs

If an application is not deemed suitable to be passed immediately, due to the player being the age of 14 then a ride-along from an HR member is valid to see if the applicant is deemed to be mature or not.

Ask the applicant to log in-game, and ask them to place any weapons in the vehicle or hidden away, then take them around and show them how to revive people, explain what medical equipment can do, etc (Bearing in mind they will be logged in as a CIV, do your best to explain things to them).

After your patrol is over, submit a ride-along form log. Approve the ride along if they seem mature and you think they deserve an interview. Deny them if they do not take it seriously or do not know the server rules.

Go to “HR Response Templates”, and copy the relevant ride along with the response, then post it on the person's latest application. They cannot have an interview before this is finished. Then fill out this form as you do for applications and interviews.

# Interviews

Interviews can be quite daunting for both you and the applicant. All applicants need a fair chance at Interviews, and some will be nervous, do not abuse this. As such, the following extra rules must be followed when conducting Interviews: Interviews are not to be recorded unless permitted by a Lead HR member or if you have a suspicion of the applicant cheating or you need to report abuse ect To Command. Interviews should have a maximum of 3 people, the Applicant, the Interviewer and possibly a supervisor. Trial HR’s must request permission before observing or performing an Interview. Applicants should be respected at all times, so no laughing at an applicant's answer. When in an interview channel the Interviewer and the Applicant are the only ones that should talk, anyone observing cannot speak until the applicant is outside of the channel. Anyone observing may not speak while the interview is being conducted, any questions you wish to ask needs to go through the interviewer.

Failure to follow the above rules may result in your immediate removal from Human Resources!

Drag the applicant you wish to Interview into an Interview room. Interviews are first come first serve! Ask the applicant for their playerID and their forum link, that is what you will need when filling in the needed documents.

Passed: Speech as a guide - “Congratulations, you have passed your NHS interview, please read the student handbook before your first patrol. If you have any questions, contact an HR member or a MLO+” - Give them a link to the handbook. Now find the whitelist request form and the interview form on the front page of the HR Database, and fill it out for the person! Give the Applicant the student tag in TeamSpeak and the student handbook. Failed: Speech as a guide - “Unfortunately you have not met the required standards to join the NHS, you do not need to reapply, but please come back in 24 Hours to redo your interview”. Now find the interview form on the front page of the HR Database, and fill it out for the person! Do not fill in the whitelisting form!

# Training

Training is extremely simple! Just follow the instructions in the Training Form. Remember, if they pass their training you should fill out the whitelist request form and submit the training form to promote them straight to Nurse! Only do training for someone if they have not done it yet, you can check whether or not they have done it by using the HR Database sheet named “Training Forms”. All Students need training!

If you have any questions about any procedures not listed contact an HR Lead/Deputy!

Document Access (Important)

Whilst dealing with all HR Documents, please note that all your actions are logged and traced back to you, furthermore any actions that are deemed invalid, or have been done with malicious intent can be revoked within seconds. HR Documents are confidential, and any information contained within them, should not and will not be shared with members outside of the HR Team.

HR Documents should not be accessed maliciously after leaving, being removed or otherwise departing from the HR Team.

By joining the HR Team, you are agreeing that you fully understand and acknowledge the above information, and understand that any use of document access that is deemed malicious by any NHS Command or HR Command member, will result in your access being immediately revoked, as well as NHS, HR and potential server disciplinary action being taken against you.

# Chain of Command

You must follow Chain of Command at all times! If you have a minor problem, do not go to Deputy/Lead HR instantly, because they are most likely busy and doing HR-related work. Sometimes, depending on what is the problem, even an HRO can help, so always try to ask them as well if the problem is very slight. The people you should go to first are the HRI’s, they can answer most questions and are one of the most qualified in the Human Resources Department. If it is a bigger issue, then you may go to the Deputy, because the Deputy has enough experience and can do everything the Lead HR can do. Although do not go to Lead just yet, since the Lead is the most important person of the Department, therefore they should be the last person you contact.

Do not contact every HR Command member, follow the Chain of Command!