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# About Blackwater

Blackwater is a private military corporation that excels in providing platinum service to its affiliated companies and paying customers. The purpose of Blackwater is to provide protection, security, specialist training and upholding the contracts given to us.

We are highly trained individuals that seek adventure, challenge and loyalty. Any member of Blackwater can be approached about contracts and depending on the severity of the contract, it may be brought to senior members.

Blackwater troops are strong, intelligent and tactical. They will hunt and destroy anyone that comes in the firing line of the corporation. Most of the members come from a military background so they are able to keep calm in high stress situations.

Our financial status comes from our personal affairs and operations that are done under strict “Confidentiality Rules”.

The reason for Blackwaters current situation in Altis is they have been hired by the UK Government to assist the Altis Government with the current influx of rebel activity, this will be achieved by trying to hit the rebels logistics supply, the south of Altis is highlighted as the most likely place rebels are using to import and stockpile contraband, wherever possible working with the Altis government Blackwater are to assault rebels at every opportunity.

# Handbooks