# Illegal Jobs/Activities

# Weed Production/Selling (Run)

Selling weed is a low risk, medium pay job that is a great way to get started on the island. Team up with friends or Blackwater and watch out for rebels that may try to rob you.


Performing a weed run is highly illegal and is also a big target for rebels that are looking to rob others. Team up with your gang, friends and/or Blackwater to protect yourself against others.

A weed 'Run' cosist of three steps:

  1. Collection
  2. Processing
  3. Selling

# Step 1

Retrieve your vehicle from a 'Vehicle Garage'.


The amount of money you can make per run depends on the storage capacity of your vehicle. We suggesting using trucks or vans, as they have the most capacity and allow for the quickest profits.

# Step 2

Drive to the 'Weed Collection' marker on the map.

# Step 3

When you arrive at the marker on the map, press the Windows key to pickup 'leaves'. Once your inventory is full, press the 'T' key while looking at your vehicle. Transfer all the leaves from your inventory to your vehicle. Repeat these steps until your vehicle inventory is full.

# Step 4

Head to the 'Weed Collection' marker on the map. When you arrive, take the leaves out of your vehicle and fill your inventory. Interact with the sign to proccess the leaves. Place the weed in your vehicle and then fill your inventory with leaves. Repeat these steps until all the leaves are processed into weed.

# Step 5

Drive to the 'Weed Selling Point'. Fill your inventory with weed from your vehicle and interact with the sign to sell it. Repeat this step until all the weed is sold.

# Step 6

Go to the nearest ATM to store the cash that you have recieved.

# Major Crimes

# Police and Blackwater Lockups

You can break into a lockup with boltcutters, but an alarm will trigger and the relevant faction will be alerted. You can try to negotiate a deal with them, or you can fight your way out. The choice is up to you.


Police and Blackwater are highly equiped and coordinated. Make sure that you have enough gang members and the skills to take down the opposition.

Take the rewards to a safe location or spread them across your gang.


  • Weapons
  • Ammo
  • Weapon attachments
  • Vests
  • Helmets

# Police and Blackwater Abandoned Outposts

You can break into an abandoned outpost with boltcutters, but an alarm will trigger and the relevant faction will be alerted. You can try to negotiate a deal with them, or you can fight your way out. The choice is up to you.


Police and Blackwater are highly equiped and coordinated. Make sure that you have enough gang members and the skills to take down the opposition.

Possible Rewards:

  • MB 4WD LMG
  • Prowler HMG
  • Armed Offroad
  • Minigun Quilin
  • Ifrit
  • Hunter
  • Strider